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Ants Formicidae

You might be surprised that ants belong to this group of flying insects. Several times a year though the ants do actually fly. The animals that take off are males and young queens. After impregnation which takes place hight up in the air the males die and the queens try to find a place to start a new colony. The ants you normally see, hurrying from who-knows-where to who-wants-to-know-where are workers. These never get wings. All ants live in big colonies. These are usually constructed underground, but some ants build high houses above the ground. We refer to those as being 'ant hills'.

photograph Formica rufa
Red Wood Ant Formica rufa

The Red Wood Ant is very uncommon in gardens. It is the one building high 'ants hills' in European woods. More...

photograph Formica fusca
Common Black Ant Formica fusca

The Common Black Ant is one of the biggest ants species in Western Europe. More...

photograph Myrmica rubra
Red Ant Myrmica rubra

Both this species and the next are commonly referred to as (Common) Red Ant. This is the only one that has been introduced to Northern America. There it is called the European Fire Ant. More...

photograph Myrmica ruginodis
Red Ant Myrmica ruginodis

This Red Ant species has long thorns on the back of the thorax. It has not reached Northern America (yet). More...

photograph Myrmica scabrinodis
Common Elbowed Red Ant Myrmica scabrinodis

Compared to the previous two Myrmica species the Common Elbowed Red Ant prefers slightly more moist conditions. More...

photograph Lasius niger
Black Garden Ant Lasius niger

The Black Garden Ant is probably the best known ant species. More...

photograph Lasius flavus
Yellow Meadow Ant Lasius flavus

The Yellow Meadow Ant often makes little ants hills in lawns and meadows. More...

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This page has last been modified on Sunday, September 30, 2018.
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