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Other insects

This chapter is about insects we haven't dealt with before. Many of the animals here belong to small orders, such as the earwigs. Other orders have only very few reprentatives in Western Europe, such as the Alder Flies. Some orders, such as the Springtails and Booklice have many representatives in our part of the world, but the animals are so small, that they are difficult to find and even more difficult to identify. We concentrate on bigger species, just to give you an idea about such order. If you want to dig deeper, you will need special equipment and the help of experts to tell the numerous species apart.

photograph Cloeon cognatum
Cloeon cognatum, female

The female of Cloeon cognatum is a very beautiful animal indeed. more...

Order: May-flies (Ephemeroptera)

photograph Cloeon cognatum
Cloeon cognatum, male

Like in all may flies, the male of Cloeon cognatum, has very big eyes. more...

Order: May-flies (Ephemeroptera)

photograph Drake Mackerel Mayfly
Drake Mackerel Mayfly Epherema vulgata

The Drake Mackerel Mayfly is common in the south of England only. more...

Order: May-flies (Ephemeroptera)

photograph Green Drake Mayfly
Green Drake Mayfly Epherema danica

The Green Drake Mayfly is the biggest May Fly in Britain and Ireland. more...

Order: May-flies (Ephemeroptera)

photograph Small Square-gilled Mayfly
Small Square-gilled Mayfly Caenis sp

The Small Square-gilled Mayfly is not just one species. In Britain there are some 10 very similar species, all referred to by this name.more...

Order: May-flies (Ephemeroptera)

photograph Common Field Grasshopper
Common Field Grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus

There are several species of grasshoppers in the garden. The males of the Common Field Grasshopper can be told apart best by listening to the noise they make. more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Bow-winged Grasshopper
Bow-winged Grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus

The Bow-winged Grasshopper loves dry and sunny summers. Me too. more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Speckled Bush-cricket
Speckled Bush-cricket Leptophyes punctatissima

The name tells all: the Speckled Bush-cricket loves its speckles. more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Oak Bush-cricket
Oak Bush-cricket Meconema thalassinum

The Oak Bush-cricket is small compared to his speckled nephew. more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Southern Oak Bush-cricket
Southern Oak Bush-cricket Meconema meridionale

The Southern Oak Bush-cricket always has extremely small wings.more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket
Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket Phaneroptera falcata

If you want to see the Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket in Britain in the wild, travel to Hastings! more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Great Green Bush-Cricket
Great Green Bush-Cricket Tettigonia viridissima

The Great Green Bush-Cricket is one of the biggest insects in Britain.more...

Order: Crickets and Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)

photograph Ant-lion
Ant-lion Euroleon nostras

This ant-lion is extremely rare in Britain. more...

Order: Net-winged insects (Neuroptera)

photograph Brown Lacewing
Brown Lacewing Micromus variegatus

This is a brown lacewing. They are just as common as the green ones, but not seen as often. more...

Order: Net-winged insects (Neuroptera)

photograph Common Green Lacewing
Common Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea

The best known lacewing is this Common Green Lacewing. It turns brown just before it goes into hibernation. more...

Order: Net-winged insects (Neuroptera)

photograph Common Green Lacewing
Green Lacewing Dichochrysa species

Some Green Lacewing larvae camouflage themselves. more...

Order: Net-winged insects (Neuroptera)

photograph Alder Fly
Alder Fly Sialis lutaria

The Alder Fly often appears in great numbers. more...

Order: Megalopterans (Megaloptera)

photograph Scorpion Fly
Panorpa vulgaris

This Panorpa vulgaris, a Scorpion Fly looks like it is extremely dangerous. But it is not. more...

Order: Scorpion Flies (Mecoptera)

photograph Common Scorpionfly
Common Scorpionfly Panorpa communis

Why this is one is called the Common Scorpionfly is a mystery. Panorpa vulgaris is just as common. more...

Order: Scorpion Flies (Mecoptera)

photograph Scorpion Fly
Panorpa germanica

Panorpa germanica never has an uninterrupted black band running over the front wing. more...

Order: Scorpion Flies (Mecoptera)

photograph Snake-fly
Snake Fly Subilla confinis

The Snake Fly is quite an exotic looking creature. more...

Order: Snake-flies (Raphidioptera)

photograph Earwig
Earwig Forficula auricularia

The Earwig is a very common species in every garden. more...

Order: Earwigs (Dermaptera)

photograph Hopgarden Earwig
Hopgarden Earwig Apterygida media

In Britain the Hopgarden Earwig is common in Kent only. The animal is also known as the Short-winged Earwig. more...

Order: Earwigs (Dermaptera)

photograph Molanna angustata
Molanna angustata

Molanna angustata is a dull, brownish species. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Athripsodes cinereus
Athripsodes cinereus

Athripsodes cinereus is a beautiful cinnamon coloured species in possession of extremely long antennae. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Hydropsyche angustipennis
Hydropsyche angustipennis

Hydropsyche angustipennis is the only Hydropsyche species common in lowlands in England.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Hydropsyche angustipennis
Hydropsyche species

This nephew of the species above can not be identified from just a photograph.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Tinodes waeneri
Tinodes waeneri

Tinodes waeneri looks like the previous species, but has a pointed wing. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Phryganea grandis
Phryganea grandis

Phryganea grandis is Britain's biggest Caddis Fly. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Long-horned Caddis Fly
Long-horned Caddis Fly Mystacides longicornis

The Long-horned Caddis Fly is easily identified. It has long horns and the wing is three-banded. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Mystacides niger
Mystacides niger

Mystacides niger is black, has very long, ringed antennae, strikingly big palps and light legs.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Mystacides azureus
Mystacides azureus

Mystacides azureus looks like Mystacides niger very much, but prefers running water.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Notidobia ciliaris
Notidobia ciliaris

Notidobia ciliaris is as black as the species above, but with shorter antennae which are not ringed.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Limnephilus rhombicus
Limnephilus rhombicus

Limnephilus rhombicus is a very attractive Caddis Fly. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Limnephilus lunatus
Limnephilus lunatus

Limnephilus lunatus is named after the half moon visible in the wing tips. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Limnephilus marmoratus
Limnephilus marmoratus

Limnephilus marmoratus is marbled indeed without clear signs. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Limnephilus flavicornis
Limnephilus flavicornis

Limnephilus flavicornis is perhaps the most common of all species in this genus.more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Glyphotaelius pellucidus
Glyphotaelius pellucidus

Glyphotaelius pellucidus has three black spots at the tip of the wing. more...

Order: Caddis Flies (Trichoptera)

photograph Silverfish
Silverfish Lepisma saccharina

The Silverfish is common in most houses. more...

Order: Silverfish (Zygentoma)

photograph Entomobrya nivalis
Entomobrya nivalis

Entomobrya nivalis lives in mosses. more...

Order: Springtails (Collembola)

photograph Orchesella cincta
Orchesella cincta

Orchesella cincta is quite a beautiful springtail. more...

Order: Springtails (Collembola)

photograph Allacma fusca
Allacma fusca

Allacma fusca is brown, convex and shiny and common in gardens. more...

Order: Springtails (Collembola)

photograph Dicyrtomina saundersi
Dicyrtomina saundersi

Identification of Dicyrtomina saundersi is easy because of the pattern on the body. more...

Order: Springtails (Collembola)

photograph Loensia variegata
Loensia variegata

Loensia variegata is often seen on houses and sheds. more...

Order: Booklice and Barklice (Psocoptera)

photograph Metylophorus nebulosus
Metylophorus nebulosus

Metylophorus nebulosus is some 4 mm long and that makes it a giant among the Barklice. more...

Order: Booklice and Barklice (Psocoptera)

photograph Stylops melittae
Stylops melittae

Stylops melittae is a parasite specialized in Mining Bees. more...

Order: Twisted-wing Parasites (Strepsiptera)

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This page has last been modified on Monday, November 19, 2018.
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