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Pearl-band Grass Veneer Catoptria margaritella

The Pearl-band Grass Veneer is similar to a number of Grass Moths. Yet identification is not very complicated. In the front wing it has a broad, whitish stretched triangle. This triangle does not reach the fringe and is uninterrupted. The fringe itself is whitish grey and in contrast to the remainder of the wing. The ground colour is really brown and not the yellowish or even whitish brown found in many others, especially the Chrysoteuchia and Agriphila species. The hind wing is greyish and has a white fringe. The wingspan is some 20 to 25mm in southern areas such as Holland and England. Species from northern regions of Europe, such as Scandinavia and Scotland are smaller: 17 to 22mm.

The life cycle of the Pearl-band Grass Veneer is virtually unknown. In books and on the internet there is no information available on eggs or younger larvae. Kuchlein, a Dutch researcher, has reported full grown larvae from mosses.

Even though the Pearl-band Grass Veneer flies by night only, it is easily disturbed during the day, especially in grasses. It is on the wing from mid-June to mid-August. The species is attracted to light, but usually in small numbers only. It prefers boggy areas, but is also seen in drier heaths. The Pearl-band Grass Veneer is a species of Northern Europe. You won't find it in the Alps or the Mediterranean. It is wide-spread and not uncommon in Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia. Going south from these regions it becomes scarcer and more of a local species, such as in England, Wales, Holland and Germany. But even in it's favourite areas this species rarely ever is very numerous.