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Indian Meal Moth Plodia interpunctella

The Indian Meal Moth is not an original European species. It's origin is in Asia, but it has been transported to Europe trading spices. In Europe it rapidly became a serious pest in stored food. It is capable of surviving in European nature as well. The moths are very variable and may look more reddish, yellowish or blackish compared to the ones in the pictures. In the bottompicture a rather characteristic animal: three dark bands in the wings and resting with the tail pointing upwards, just like the festoon does. Reaching a wingspan of 14 to 20 mm, this is not a particular big species. The caterpillars will eat almost everything: dried fruit and herbs, grain and meal, nuts and even dried up dead insects. They spin small silken webs over their food. Everything gets trapped in there, such as debrish and frass. When the animal appears stored food will soon look extremely ugly and is worthless. Depending on the food the larvae may pupate in just two weeks, but their development may also take two years. Quite a common species in Britain, often appearing indoors.